Uncertainty Analysis for Engineers

Disciplinary and multidisciplinary course - with exam, by Proff. Talamelli-Segalini-Schlatter (12 h - 2.4 CDs - I,III years). In presence and remotely (link in the attached flyer)

  • Date:

    04 DECEMBER 2024
     from 11:00 to 16:00
  • Event location: 18/11: Room 1.4 and 1.5 - 20/11 and 21/11: Room 1.2 - In presence and online event

The course is structured into 12 hours of lectures plus practical exercises. In the introductory part, the basic concepts, fundamental definitions, and the different approaches commonly used for this purpose are presented. A second, mainly theoretical part, develops the basic equations and statistical tools necessary to characterize uncertainty. The theoretical part is then followed by an operational part in which the different operational methodologies for quantifying the error are described. Theoretical/practical exercises are proposed during the course. A Matlab program is also developed for the study of error propagation using Monte-Carlo methodologies. At the end of the course, a small project is assigned which serves as a final assessment.