Data: 18 LUGLIO 2016 alle 12:30
Luogo: Aula del Dipartimento SDE "Achille Ardigò"
Tipo: lecture
Lecture del Prof. Craig Calhoun (Direttore della London School of Economics and Political Science)
Craig Calhoun is Director of the London School of Economics. He is a social scientist whose work connects sociology to culture, communication, politics, philosophy and economics. He took up his post in September 2012, having left the United States where he was University Professor at New York University, director of the Institute for Public Knowledge, and President of the Social Science Research Council. Professor Calhoun earned a D.Phil. in History and Sociology at Oxford University and a Master’s in Social Anthropology at Manchester. He is the author of several books including Nations Matter, Critical Social Theory, Neither Gods Nor Emperors andThe Roots of Radicalism.