Course on Research ethics and bioethics

2nd year - 2 Credits

Obiettivi formativi

Al termine del corso il dottorando ha acquisito un vocabolario di riferimento, per comprendere la terminologia esatta quando si parla di bioetica ed etica della ricerca; conosce i principali documenti internazionali di bioetica medica ed etica della ricerca; acquisisce gli strumenti per scrivere un progetto di ricerca eticamente orientato e le principali informazioni per sottomettere un progetto al comitato etico; comprende come implementare la bioetica nella propria pratica professionale; conosce l’etica clinica e la bioetica empirica.

Learning Objectives

By the end of the course, the Ph.D. student has acquired a reference vocabulary to understand the exact terminology when it comes to bioethics and research ethics; knows the main international medical bioethics and research ethics documents; acquires the tools to write an ethically oriented research project and the main information for submitting a project to the ethics committee; understands how to implement bioethics in one's professional practice; and knows clinical ethics and empirical bioethics.





Module 1 - Doctor Ludovica De Panfilis

Course timetable

1) 4-Feb-25 15:30 - 17:30 (Room “Auletta di Ginecologia”, Padiglione 4, Mezzanine Floor, Massarenti Street 13, Sant’Orsola Hospital)
2) 12-Feb-25 15:30 - 17:30 (Room “Auletta di Ginecologia”, Padiglione 4, Mezzanine Floor, Massarenti Street 13, Sant’Orsola Hospital)
3) 18-Feb-25 15:30 - 17:30 (Room “Auletta di Ginecologia”, Padiglione 4, Mezzanine Floor, Massarenti Street 13, Sant’Orsola Hospital, Bologna)
4) 26-Feb-25 15:30 - 17:30 (Room “Auletta di Ginecologia”, Padiglione 4, Mezzanine Floor, Massarenti Street 13, Sant’Orsola Hospital, Bologna)
5) 4-Mar-25 16:00 - 18:00 (Room “Auletta di Ginecologia”, Padiglione 4, Mezzanine Floor, Massarenti Street 13, Sant’Orsola Hospital, Bologna)
6) 11-Mar-25 15:30 - 17:30 (Room "Open Space", Padd. 25-27-28, Polo Murri, Second Floor, Massarenti Street, 9, Sant’Orsola Hospital, Bologna)
7) 18-Mar-25 15:30 - 17:30 (Room "Aula Sfameni", Padiglione 4, Mezzanine Floor, Massarenti Street 13, Sant’Orsola Hospital, Bologna)

Course Contents

1. Reference Vocabulary: Ethics, Clinical Ethics, Bioethics, and Research Ethics
The first lesson aims to provide doctoral students with a reference vocabulary to understand the exact terminology when discussing bioethics and research ethics.

2. Research Ethics: Historical Overview
The lesson is dedicated to presenting the main international documents on medical bioethics and research ethics.

3. Research Ethics: Ethical Review of a Project, Ethics Committee for Research
The lesson aims to explain what the ethical review of a project consists of, to provide the tools for writing an ethically oriented research project and the main information for submitting a project to the ethics committee.

4. Bioethics at the Patient's Bedside: Tools and Outcomes
The lesson focuses on how to implement bioethics in one's professional practice.

5. Empirical Bioethics: A Form of Translational Research
The lesson focuses on research in empirical bioethics.

6. Clinical Ethics and Ethical Competencies
The lesson delves into clinical ethics and all its implications in practice.

Teaching Modality

Online and In Person

Module 2 - Doctor Valentina Bugani

Course timetable

14-Apr-25 14:30 - 16:30

Course Contents

Normativa ECM

Teaching Modality

Online via Teams:[…]b5a-81b0-fde19c3f2580%22%7d