Academic Year 2023-2024

Advanced topics in astrophysics I: Galaxy evolution and interstellar medium

Lecturers: Carlotta Gruppioni, Livia Vallini


22-26 Gennaio 2024 Aula I


Monday 22 Jan, 10:00-12:00

Tuesday 23 Jan, 14:00-16:00

Wednesday 24 Jan, 10:00-12:00 and 14:00-16:00

Thursday 25 Jan, 14:00-16:00

Friday 26 Jan, 10:00-12:00

Carlotta Gruppioni:

 - Galaxy and ISM Evolution from Cosmic Noon to the Reionisation Epoch (1<z<6)

  - The different components of the interstellar medium: interstellar dust, infrared emission.

 - The Star formation Rate Density: a powerful tool for understanding how galaxies form and evolve

 - The Black Hole accretion Rate density and the role of AGN in galaxy evolution

 - The cosmic evolution of the ISM as a function of redshift

 - State-of-the-Art: latest results from ALMA and JWST and future perspectives


Livia Vallini:

 - The Interstellar medium in the Epoch of Reionization (z>6)

 - The evolution of the interstellar medium in the Epoch of Reionization

 - Photodissociation regions and X-Ray Dominated regions: peculiarities in the EoR

 - Star formation and cold gas in the EoR 

 - Cosmological zoom-in simulations & line emission modeling 

 - Interpreting ALMA and JWST data with simulations



Advanced numerical and computational techniques:  Introduction to 'HPC and ML  +  Parallel computing


Lecturers/organisers: CINECA (DIFA reference: Moscardini)

April / May  2024 @CINECA


1st year(Introduction to HPC and ML), 2 days:

Day 1:

- Introduction to HPC e resources available to students

- Introduction to parallel computing

- How-to compile codes and Slurm

Day 2:

- Introduction to Machine Learning


2nd year (Parallel computing), 3 days:

- Parallelisation on CPU

- Parallelisation on GPU

- Examples of applied parallel computing to Machine Learning and Deep Learning



Advanced topics in astrophysics II: High-energy astrophysics, AGN

Lecturers/organisers: Andrea Comastri

October  2024 Navile


Joint Astrophysical Colloquia, Seminars see also weekly Tuesday (DiFA) and Friday (IRA) seminars.

ISA Lectures: