How to apply for a PhD

All information is published in the "call for applications page", available on the PhD program page of the university portal, and can be downloaded directly from the links and attachments section of this page.

Required documentation to be attached:

  • ID document with valid photo
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Certificate of achievement of each university degree held, first and the second level, indicating:
    1. University that awarded the degree;
    2. Type of degree (master's / single-cycle master's / old system, etc.);
    3. Name of the degree course;
    4. Degree class (only for qualifications obtained in Italy);
    5. Date of graduation;
    6. Final grade;
    7. List and grade of the exams taken with the indication of the CFU, if foreseen in the university system in which the degree was awarded;
    8. Weighted average of exam marks (only for graduates from Italian universities and calculated as indicated below).
  • For candidates who, on the date of submission of the application, do not possess the second level qualification: Certificate relating to the exams taken and the marks obtained with indicated, at the bottom, the weighted average of the marks of the exams (the weighted average is required only for undergraduates in Italian universities)
  • Additional documents indicated in the individual PhD cards (listed below)
  • For candidates wishing to make use of adaptations for the admission test: Request form for adaptations and specialist certification required
  • Admission to the International PhD College of the Institute of Advanced Studies for foreign candidates, not resident in Italy and who have obtained the second level academic qualification necessary for access to the PhD program abroad, who wish to compete for the PhD program. admission to the International PhD College of the Institute of Advanced Studies):
    1. Letter of motivation for participation in the activities of the International PhD College;
    2. Proposal for an interdisciplinary project to be developed in "coworking" at the International PhD College (maximum 10,000 characters including spaces);

Please refer to Article 3 of Unibo PhD Information page for further information

Further documentation to be attached to the announcement

  • Abstract of the thesis.
    Abstract of the master's / specialist / old system degree thesis or, for undergraduates, of the thesis draft approved by the Supervisor (max 5,000 characters, including spaces and any formulas, excluding title, index, bibliography and any illustrative apparatus).
  • Cover letter.
    No more than 1 letter of presentation certifies the candidate's aptitude and interest for scientific research by Italian and international university professors and/or research professionals external to the Examining Commission N.B. Cover letters should not be attached to the application directly by the candidate. When completing the application on the website, the candidate must enter the e-mail address of the teacher / professional to whom the cover letter is requested. The teacher / professional will receive an e-mail containing instructions for uploading the cover letter. The submission letter must be uploaded by the teacher / professional exclusively in pdf format by and no later than the expiry date and time of this announcement.
  • Multi-year research project.
    The research project must emphasise the 1st year activities, which the candidate proposes to carry out as part of the PhD course. The candidate must also: o indicate on the title page the research address of the doctoral course in which the candidate is interested and on which the project is focused; o have a maximum length of 20,000 characters, including spaces and any formulas, excluding title, index, bibliography and any illustrative apparatus (the excess part will not be evaluated); or be divided into an articulation of the project and implementation times; criteria proposed for verifying the results achieved; bibliography. The research project will not necessarily be the subject of the candidate's doctoral research if admitted.The research project to be carried out during the PhD course will be agreed upon with the Supervisor and approved by the Teaching Commission.
  • Motivational letter.
    The letter must indicate the reasons that push the candidate to attend the doctoral course. The candidate's experiences and research interests that make him suitable for the doctoral course must be highlighted (max 3,000 characters, spaces included ).
  • List of scientific publications.
    List of publications including monographs, articles in scientific journals, articles in indexed scientific journals present on PubMed, specific contributions in national and international volumes.
  • List of minor publications
    Proceedings of national and international conferences, etc.
  • I or II level university master.
    Masters obtained in Italy in subjects related to the research addresses covered by the PhD course.
  • Advanced training and/or specialization and/or Higher Education courses.
    Certificates of courses in subjects related to the research addresses of the PhD course.
  • Specialization thesis.
  • University level teaching.
  • Scientific research of any type.
    Basic research, oriented, finalized, translational, applied, or other and carried out in any capacity, including holding research grants and participation in research projects.
  • Working activity.
  • Professionalizing internship.
  • Certificates of knowledge of foreign languages.
  • Stays abroad for study activities (Erasmus or similar).
  • Other qualifications certifying the candidate's training and skills (scholarships, awards, etc.).isor and approved by the Teaching Commission.