Potential Career Paths After Earning the Degree
The PhD program in Surgical Sciences and Innovative Technologies selects and trains candidates with excellent professional potential.
The education provided can be leveraged to attain top-level positions in public research institutions (such as universities and IRCCS), private organizations, international institutions, healthcare and pharmaceutical companies, and medical device industries, both in Italy and abroad. In particular, PhD graduates in Surgical Sciences and Innovative Technologies can aspire to academic positions in the fields of medical-surgical sciences, biotechnology, bioengineering, behavioral sciences, as well as roles in clinical and pharmacological research centers and medical device industries. Additionally, the skills and knowledge acquired during the PhD program represent an added value for clinical practice, both in the public and private sectors.
The AlmaLaurea report (https://www2.almalaurea.it) from the previous year highlights that among PhD graduates in Surgical Sciences and Innovative Technologies, interviewed one year after completing the program, the employment rate is over 90%. Over 80% of graduates began working within one year of completing their PhD, while the remaining percentage continued jobs they had started prior to earning the degree.