Seminar: Use of Augmented Reality in Musculoskeletal Oncology

Instructor: Dr. Massimiliano De Paolis
CD: 0.25

Learning Objectives:
At the end of the seminar, participants will be able to understand augmented reality technologies in the context of musculoskeletal oncology. They will be able to identify specific clinical applications, analyze the benefits, and address the challenges associated with implementing these technologies.

Assessment Method: Pass/Fail

Date and Time: 29/11/24, 14:00–16:00, online


Seminar: Innovative Surgical and Interventional Technologies

Instructor: Prof. A. Gangemi
CD: 1

Learning Objectives:
Provide participants with an updated overview of emerging technologies and innovations in surgery and interventional procedures, with a particular focus on the use of artificial intelligence, robotic technologies, and other innovations to guide surgical procedures.

Assessment Method: Pass/Fail

17/12/24, 18:00–20:00, online
(Artificial Intelligence in Medical Education - Prof. G. Castellani)

21/01/25, 18:00–20:00, online[…]rue&suppressPrompt=true
Teams Meeting ID: 336 307 070 863 - Password available in the invitation PDF sent to your institutional email.
(Confocal Microscopy in the Evaluation of Possible Rejection Pathology in Patients Undergoing Lung Transplantation - Prof. N. Guibert)

18/02/25, 18:00–20:00, online
(Magnetic Assisted Surgery - Prof. M. Gagner)

15/04/25, 18:00–20:00, online
(Oncological Applications of Electroporation - Dr. M. Cadossi)

Statistical Analysis of Clinical Research Data

Instructor: Prof. Lisa Argnani
CD: 1

Learning Objectives:
Provide the essential elements to acquire basic methodological tools in medical statistics and epidemiology necessary for designing and conducting biomedical studies.

Assessment Method: Pass/Fail

08/01/25, 14:00–16:00, online

15/01/25, 14:00–16:00, online[…]d5d-a572-89f81f814b0f%22%7d

22/01/25, 14:00–16:00, online[…]d5d-a572-89f81f814b0f%22%7d

29/01/25, 14:00–16:00, online[…]d5d-a572-89f81f814b0f%22%7d

Seminar: Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

Instructor: Dr. Nico Curti
CD: 1

Learning Objectives:
Provide the essential elements to understand the functioning and potential applications of artificial intelligence in Medicine and Surgery.

Assessment Method: Pass/Fail

18/02/25, 14:00–16:00, in person (AULA BARBARA) and online[…]d5d-a572-89f81f814b0f%22%7d
(What it is and How it can help medicine today and tomorrow)

20/02/25, 14:00–16:00, in person (AULA BARBARA) and online[…]d5d-a572-89f81f814b0f%22%7d
(A Gentle Introduction to BioMedical Image Processing)

25/02/25, 14:00–16:00, in person (AULA BARBARA) and online[…]d5d-a572-89f81f814b0f%22%7d
(From Radiomics to Pathomics)

27/02/25, 14:00–16:00, in person (AULA PISI) and online[…]d5d-a572-89f81f814b0f%22%7d
(How to Build Your Machine Learning Pipeline)

Seminar: Research Methodology

Lecturer: Dr. Arianna Bagnis
Credits: 1
Learning Objectives: Provide an understanding of research methodologies in medical and clinical sciences, focusing on the hierarchy of evidence, clinical studies, and the role of ethics committees.
Assessment Method: Pass/Fail

04/03/25, 6:00-8:00 PM, online: Introduction to the Hierarchy of Evidence
18/03/25, 6:00-8:00 PM, online: Types of Clinical Studies
08/04/25, 6:00-8:00 PM, online: Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses
22/04/25, 6:00-8:00 PM, online: Role of Ethics Committees

Seminar: Medical Writing and Scientific Communication

Instructor: Prof. Lisa Argnani
CD: 0.5

Learning Objectives:
Provide participants with an overview of best practices specific to scientific writing and communication, with particular focus on drafting documents such as research protocols and articles.

Assessment Method: Pass/Fail

03/09/25, 14:00–16:00, online[…]d5d-a572-89f81f814b0f%22%7d

10/09/25, 14:00–16:00, online[…]d5d-a572-89f81f814b0f%22%7d

17/09/25, 14:00–16:00, online[…]d5d-a572-89f81f814b0f%22%7d

24/09/25, 14:00–16:00, online[…]d5d-a572-89f81f814b0f%22%7d

Seminar: Placebo and Nocebo

Lecturer: Dr. Arianna Bagnis
Credits: 0.5
Learning Objectives: Provide an understanding of the basic mechanisms of placebo and nocebo phenomena, and develop skills to optimize treatment efficacy and enhance therapeutic relationships.
Assessment Method: Pass/Fail

06/05/25, 6:00-8:00 PM, online
20/05/25, 6:00-8:00 PM, online