IBES Agenda

Find here all the PhD courses, seminars and events.

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15 MAY 2024

IBES Course

Wearable sensors in Water Sports: potentials and challenges

Aula Lobietti, Record - Via del Pilastro, 8 - Bologna

The course will be held by prof. Silvia Fantozzi and is part of the training provided for IBES PhD Students (a.y.2023/2024) within the Bioengineering (BIO) curriculum.

17 APRIL 2024

IBES Course

Innovative electric drives

Room 1.5 and 2.6 - Viale Risorgimento, 2 - Bologna

The course will be held by prof. Luca Zarri and is part of the training provided for IBES PhD Students (a.y.2023/2024) within the Electrical Engineering (EE) curriculum.

17 APRIL 2024

IBES Course

Decomposition and reformulation methods in optimization

Aula Trasporti - via Risorgimento - Bologna

The course will be held by dott. Paolo Paronuzzi and is part of the training provided for IBES PhD Students (a.y.2023/2024) within the Automatic Control and Operational Research (ARO) curriculum.

22 MARCH 2024

IBES Course

Special Topics in Applied Neuro-Engineering

Room 2.10 - UOS - Via dell’Università, 50 - Cesena - In presence and online event

The course will be held by prof. Cristiano Cuppini and prof. Bejamin Rowland and is part of the training provided for IBES PhD Students (a.y.2023/2024) within the Biomedical Engineering (BIO) curriculum.

08 MARCH 2024

IBES Course

Fundamentals of Plasma Modeling - Particle-In-Cell techniques for plasma simulations

Auletta DEI - Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering "Guglielmo Marconi" DEI - Viale Risorgimento, 2 - Bologna - In presence and online event

The course will be held by dott. Arturo Popoli and is part of the training provided for IBES PhD Students (a.y.2023/2024) within the Electrical Engineering (EE) curriculum.

23 FEBRUARY 2024

IBES Course

Extended Kalman Filter

Sala Giunta DEI - Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering "Guglielmo Marconi" DEI - Viale Risorgimento, 2 - Bologna

The course will be held by dott. Nicola Mimmo and is part of the training provided for IBES PhD Students (a.y.2023/2024) within the Automatic Control and Operational Research (ARO) curriculum.

26 JANUARY 2024

IBES Course

A system theoretical approach to the analysis of centralized and distributed algorithms for costrained and unconstrained optimisation

Room 2.7A - Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering "Guglielmo Marconi" DEI - Viale Risorgimento, 2 - Bologna

The course will be held by dott. Ivano Notarnicola and is part of the training provided for IBES PhD Students (a.y.2023/2024) within the Automatic Control and Operational Research (ARO) curriculum.

26 OCTOBER 2023

IBES Course

The Vector Network Analyzer: operating principles and applications

11am-1pm Room 3.1 & 2-6pm Room 1.5 - Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering "Guglielmo Marconi" DEI - Viale Risorgimento, 2 - Bologna - In presence and online event

The course will be held by dott. Gian Piero Gibiino and is part of the training provided for IBES PhD Students - a.y.2022/2023

04 JULY 2023

IBES Course

Fundamentals of Design and Testing for EMC

Room 1.4 - Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering "Guglielmo Marconi" DEI - Viale Risorgimento, 2 - Bologna

The course is held by prof. Leonardo Sandrolini and is part of the training provided for IBES PhD Students - a.y.2022/2023

26 JUNE 2023

IBES Course

HVDC cable systems

Room 5.4 - Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering "Guglielmo Marconi" DEI - Viale Risorgimento, 2 - Bologna

The course is held by prof. Giovanni Mazzanti and is part of the training provided for IBES PhD Students - a.y.2022/2023

22 MAY
26 MAY 2023

PhD school

Spring School on Port-Hamiltonian Modelling and Control

Bertinoro (FC)

The Spring School is being held in Bertinoro (FC) from 22nd to 26th May.

17 MAY 2023


Current trends and advances in research in bioengineering of human movement: methods and applications - Wearable sensors in water Sports: potentials and challenges

LibM - UOS - Via dell’Università, 50 - Cesena - Online event

The seminar is held by prof.ssa Fantozzi and is part of the training provided for IBES PhD Students - a.y.2022/2023