
Events organised by the PhD program

Final Exam PhD students 37th cycle April 4, 2025

Final Exam PhD students 36th cycle June 19, 2024

A week of green initiatives and events promoted by the PhD program of the Imola branch of the University of Bologna


Workshops, courses and hackathon, organized both as part of the European project GreeNexUS and of the GREEN doctoral day organized by the DISTAL Department in the framework of the EU Green Week.


GreeNexUS is a Marie Curie Project that deals with the theme of the connection between green, health and safety in urban contexts, coordinated by prof. Sangiorgi of the DICAM Department together with profs. Torreggiani and Tassinari of the DISTAL department. GreeNexUS involves 20 European universities, companies and organizations, which thanks to 10 young researchers from all over the world - three of whom are hosted by the Imola PhD program - are tackling the topic of green regeneration of cities by considering the built system, infrastructure and green areas and systems in an integrated way, to improve people's well-being and the sustainability and resilience of the places in which we live, in a context of significant climate change. All the research groups involved will meet in Imola in the week of May 27th for a rich training program and for interdisciplinary meetings and discussions on highly topical topics.


It all starts on Monday 27 May at 2pm at Palazzo Sersanti (piazza Matteotti 8, Imola) with a free workshop open to the public, to which, in addition to PhD students and students, professionals, practitioners, institutions, associations and all citizens are invited. The workshop “Greening the city: health for all. Challenges, transdisciplinary approaches, tools and experiences” will deal with the challenges of the green regeneration of cities to improve the environment of our cities and make them increasingly capable of promoting healthy lifestyles. Experts from various countries will talk about these challenges but also about the most cutting-edge experiences and tools to address them.


From Tuesday 28th to Thursday 30th morning the training week courses of the GreeNexUS project will take place: an interesting multidisciplinary training opportunity not only for the young researchers involved in the project, but also for all interested doctoral students.


Thursday 30th morning, at Aula Magna of Palazzo Vespignani, the PhD program of the Imola district will be the protagonist of a session of the event "Research in 3 minutes - The GREEN day of the doctorate" promoted by the DISTAL Department. Doctoral students belonging to DISTAL will illustrate their research in the presence of the Councilor for the Environment, sustainable mobility, gender and participatory policies of the Municipality of Imola. Find the program on


And at the end of the GreeNexUS week in Imola, there will be an important synthesis and re-elaboration activity: on Thursday 30 May afternoon, a Hackathon will see the researchers of the project take part in a challenge: working in groups they will have to think and discuss what are the best strategies for give shape to the green transition of our cities, through collaborations between public and private bodies. Also in this case, the challenge and the invitation to participate are also open to all interested doctoral students.

For further information, please refer to the attached programs.

Final Exam PhD students 36th cycle April 8, 2024

Il ruolo strategico della Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Imola nella promozione della ricerca nel territorio imolese - The strategic role of the Cassa di Risparmio di Imola Foundation in promoting research in the territory of Imola

Gli stakeholders raccontano l’impatto delle attività del Dottorato in “Salute, sicurezza e sistemi del verde” della sede di Imola dell’Università di Bologna - The stakeholders talk about the impact of the activities of the PhD program of the Imola district of the University of Bologna

Final Exam PhD students 35th cycle June 29

Final Exam PhD students 35th cycle March 27

International Webinar RURAL GREEN ENERGY - 22.06.2021

The International Webinar "Rural green energy" is organized by the PhD program in “Health, safety and green systems” of the University of Bologna, in collaboration with the CIGR working group “Rural landscape, structures and infrastructure planning and valorization” and the EurAgEng working group “Rural buildings and landscape”, with the support of “Coopération scientifique et universitaire - Ambassade de France en Italie / Institut français d’Italie” (Cassini junior program).

IMOLA IN RICERCA - October 9, 2021 9 am-1 pm

The PhD program of the District of Imola of the University of Bologna “celebrates its first 3 years”. Its young researchers present their research in Italy and in the world to organizations, companies and institutions

Sala Sersanti, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Imola, Piazza Matteotti 8, Imola
Live streaming on Teams