Final exam 33° Cycle - Summer session #2021: Research topics “Microbial Ecology and Plant Pathology” and “Agricultural Entomology”

Final exam will take place remotely due to coronavirus emergence

  • Date: 04 JUNE 2021  from 15:30 to 17:30

Research topics “Microbial Ecology and Plant Pathology” and “Agricultural Entomology”

PhD students: Martina Parrilli and Maria Teresa Senatore

Board Member

Luca Sella (Univ. of Padua)

Emanuele Mazzoni (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Piacenza)

Paola Minardi (Univ. of Bologna)

Microsoft Teams meeting

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Final Exam Board chairperson

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Massimiliano Petracci

PhD coordinator

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