Thesis submission

How to submit your PhD Thesis:

  • Log on the site 'PhD Thesis Review' using their user and password;
  • Update your personal contact details (email, telephone number)
  • Enter the final dissertation title
  • Upload the pdf version of the PhD thesis. Please, upload a unique pdf file including:
    • The final version of the PhD Thesis, already checked by the supervisor. The thesis can be drawn up in Italian or English. Please, note that the prior authorization of the Academic Board is required to drawn up the thesis in languages other than Italian and English.
    • abstract of the thesis drawn up in Italian or English;
    • document reporting on the academic activities carried out during the doctoral path and the list of publications to be drawn up in Italian or English.
  • Submit your thesis, making this available to the external evaluators appointed by the Academic Board. Please, note that after the submission is completed, the title may no longer be modified. 

Failing to upload the PhD thesis on ‘PhD Thesis Review' by the above deadlines will result in the exclusion from the PhD course.

Revision by two external evaluators

PhD thesis shall be assessed by at least two “external evaluators”, appointed by the Academic Board from among experts holding a position in Institutions that do not contribute in the awarding of the degree. They cannot be members of the Examination Board for the awarding of the PhD degree.

Notably, external evaluators can be appointed from among:

  1. Academics and researches, including those working on a temporary basis, which hold a position in Institutions other than the University of Bologna. External evaluators cannot be appointed from among academics and researches holding a position in Italian of foreign Institutions actively collaborating at the implementation of the PhD Progamme on the basis of specific agreements.
  2. high-qualified international experts in the specific scientific field of the PhD thesis, holding a position in public or private research institutions not playing a role in the implementation of the PhD Programme. Qualification of these experts must be attested by the Academic Board.

The external evaluators express a written, analytical opinion on the thesis and propose the admission to the thesis defence. They can also propose the deferral of the final defence for a period not exceeding six months.

Following the positive opinion of the external evaluators, PhD candidates authorized to take the final exam must upload the final version the thesis in the Unibo repository (see dedicated webpage).

Otherwise, PhD candidates that will receive a negative opinion from the external evaluators, must resubmit the amended version of the thesis and their final defence will be postponed by 6 months (see below).