The value of an international mobility experience during PhD is highly considered within STAAA PhD programme.

Over the 3 years, each Ph.D. student should spend at least a 3 months' internship period at prominent research institutes or industries related to the Ph.D. subject (NB: this requirement can be waived by foreign Ph.D. students and in case of industrial PhD).

For PhD student holding a position with scolarship, the amount of the scholarship is increased by 50% for for the periods spent abroad (30% for PhD students enrolled in the 37th cycle). This increase is not allowed for periods shorter than one continuous month as well as for stays in the Country of birth, citizenship, residence or abode of the PhD candidate.

There is also a special mobility programme called "Marco Polo" funded by DISTAL for providing financial support for young researchers by including all PhD students working at DISTAL in order to spend a period toward foreign research centers.

Finally, starting from the second year, PhD students are entitled to an annual budget of € 1.624 (updated in the light of Ministerial Decree 40/2018) for national and international research activities, the so-called 10% budget

There are also specific mobility programmes (i.e. Erasmus+).

NB: please visit the intranet section for more detailed information.


Once the destination is chosen, the Ph.D. student should follow the procedure described below.


  1. Collect the tutor’s advice and the invitation letter
  2. Fill the form of request of authorization
  3. Send all docs to the Ph.D. Coordinator


Once authorized:

  1. Fill the form for receiving in advance the first instalment of the 50% increase of the scholarship (only for interships equal to or longer than 6 months) – intranet 
  2. Send the form, the invitation letter and the authorization by the Ph.D. board to

(this authorization is also necessary to apply to the Marco Polo calls)



    1. Collect the evaluation letter. The letter must detail the exact date of arrival and departure
    2. (Option) planning to stay for a longer period? Submit your request to the Ph.D. Board and update ARIC



    1. Collect the evaluation letter and draft a brief summary – intranet and send it to


    Visit webpage dedicated to Funding Programmes.