PhD students enrolled at the 37th cycle

Uploading of the PhD Thesis in the Unibo Repository to be performed by PhD candidates, who received a positive opinion from the external evaluators

The following steps must be followed:

  1. upload a single pdf file of the PhD thesis on AMS Tesi di dottorato. The cover-page template and the instructions for thesis’ upload are available at the following webpage 'Frontespizio, modalità di consegna della tesi di dottorato ed embargo. The pdf file to be uploaded:
  • can include the thesis’ abstract 
  • CANNOT include the report on the academic activities carried out during the doctoral path and the list of publications

2. Send to using credentials, with Supervisor and Coordinator in Cc.:

  • Thesis cover-page;
  • Scanned copy of the ‘declaratoria’ (receipt of successful thesis’ upload on AMS Tesi di Dottorato) signed by both the PhD candidate and the Supervisor. If the Supervisor is not a University of Bologna professor, the signature of the Coordinator is requested too;
  • Forward by email the final version of PhD thesis to the members of the Examination Board, together with referees’ reviews (available on PhD Thesis Review) and the report on the academic activities carried out during the Phd and the list of publications. The thesis’ version you upload on 'AMS Tesi di Dottorato' has to be the same you send to the Admission Board and discuss during the final exam.
  • create the codice 'ORCID' (ORCID code) using the form available in the IRIS Catalogue webpage (even in absence of scientific production) and enter the information concerning the scientific production on the IRIS Catalogue.

Failing to upload the PhD thesis on AMS Tesi di dottorato will result in the exclusion from the PhD course.