Digitalization of Knowledge and Industrial Technologies
Towards Horizon Europe
9:00 Reception and Welcome Coffee
9:30 Welcome, Francesco Ubertini, Rector of the University of Bologna
9:45 The Emilia-Romagna Region Digitalization Policies, Patrizio Bianchi, Regional Councillor, Emilia-Romagna
10:00 Event Presentation and Overview of the H2020 SimDOME project, Emanuele Ghedini, H2020 SimDome Project Coordinator, University of Bologna
10:15 Impulse Speech, Peter Droell, Director of DG-RTD.F "Prosperity", EC
10:30 1st High-Level RoundTable: “VISION: Status, Achievements and Challenges”, Moderator: Carlos Haertel, Science Business
- I Impulse Speech: Knowledge, Arianna Betti, Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam
- II Impulse Speech: Information and Communication Technologies, Luca Benini, Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering, University of Bologna
- III Impulse Speech: Industry, Massimo Ippolito, EFFRA
- RoundTable Discussion
12:00 2nd High-Level Roundtable: “IMPLEMENTATION: Knowledge Representation, AI and Industrial Exploitation”, Moderator: Carlos Haertel, Science Business
- I Impulse Speech: Ontology, Stefano Borgo, CNR Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, Trento
- II Impulse Speech: AI and BigData, Davide Dalle Carbonare, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica Spa, Member of the Board of Directors of Big Data Value Association - BDVA
- III Impulse Speech: Digital Manufacturing, Oscar Lazaro, Innovalia Association, Coordinator of BOOST 4.0 on Big Data Platforms for Industry 4.0
- RoundTable Discussion
13:30 Lunch break and visit to the Manifacture of Arts district
14:15 3rd High-Level Roundtable: “FUTURE SOCIETY: The Challenge of Transformation”, Moderator: Carlos Haertel, Science Business
- I Impulse Speech: Opportunities and Challenges, Harald Hartung, Head of Unit of DG-RTD.E.4 "Fair Societies & Cultural Heritage" and Acting Head of Unit of DG-RTD.E.5 "Democracy & European Values", EC
- II Impulse Speech: Towards a Society of Human & Machines, Elena Esposito, Faculty of Sociology, University of Bielefeld
- III Impulse speech: Digital Skills for Future Industry, Sanzio Bassini, Director of SuperComputing Applications and Innovation Department (SCAI), CINECA
- RoundTable Discussion
15:45 Panel Discussion: “Digitalization of Knowledge and Technology: Towards Horizon Europe”, Chairman: Antonino Rotolo, Vice Rector for Research, University of Bologna
- Peter Droell, Director of DG-RTD.F "Prosperity", EC
- Harald Hartung, Head of Unit of DG-RTD.E.4 "Fair Societies & Cultural Heritage" and Acting Head of Unit of DG-RTD.E.5 "Democracy & European Values", EC
- Anne de Baas, Policy Officer - Materials Modelling, Magnetic Materials, DSM and Industry Commons, DG-RTD.F.4 "Materials for Tomorrow" unit, EC
16:30 Conclusions, Antonino Rotolo, Vice Rector for Research, University of Bologna
16:45 End of Event