The R&I in Circular Economy non-biological domains

Organized by Ecomondo Scientific Technical Committee and OECD, European Commission, Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU), SPIRE, Water Supply and Sanitation Technology Platform

  • Date: 08 NOVEMBER 2019  from 10:00 to 18:00

  • Event location: IEG - Italian Exhibition Group Via Emilia, 155 47921 Rimini (RN), Italy


Urban wastewater and organic fraction as well as a vast variety of agri-food byproducts, waste and effluents are emerging feedstocks for pilot or even large biorefineries recently installed in different European Countries. CO2, construction wastes, plastics wastes, spent oils, WEEE etc are other types of waste on which tailored exploitation facilities are under set up and implementation. The European Commission has launched an EU action plan for the Circular Economy, which aims to support the transition towards an economy in which valuable materials, products and resources are maintained as long as possible while reducing the generation of waste and the produced wastes are efficiently disposed through their exploitation with the production of useful products and fuels. The main results from the Innovation Action, Demo and Flagship projects funded by the Horion2020 and related PPPs and JTIs and running in Europe in the different biological and non-biological domains of Circular economy will be presented and discussed in this conference, also in terms of regulatory obstacles and safety aspects.


9.45 R&I in the Circular Bioeconomy

Section Chairs

James Philps, OECD, Paris
Francesco FATONE, Polytecnical University of Marche
Mauro Majone, University of Roma La Sapienza

9.45 Introduction by the Chairs

10.00 Role of JRC of the European Commission in promoting Bioeconomy in Europe.
Luisa Marelli, Deputy Head of the Bioeconomy Unit

10.15 EU H2020 project RES-URBIS RESources from URban BIo-waSte (
Mauro Majone, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

10.35 EU H2020 project SCALIBUR on the recycling of urban biowastes (
Cristina Gonzales, ITENE, Spain

10.55 Waste streams treatment for obtaining safe reclaimed water and Biomethane for transport sector to mitigate GHG emissions- Life Methamorphosis project LIFE 14 CCM/ES/00865
Gloria Sanchez Santos, Area Metropolitana de Barcelona

11.10 Integrated and multi-purpose Biorefineries launched in EU by BBI JU
Philippe Mengal, PPP BBI JU

11.25 EU BBI JU project STAR4BBI on STAndards and Regulations for the Bio-Based Industry
Luana Ladu, Technische Universität Berlin

11.45 EU BBI JU project PROLIFIC on the extraction and valorisation of proteins and bioactive molecules from Legumes, Fungi and Coffee agro-industrial side streams.
Philippe Corvini, FHNW, Switzerland & European Federation of Biotechnology.

12.05 EU H2020 project SMART-Plant on the low-carbon footprint MAterial Recovery Techniques in existing wastewater treatment PLANTs (
Francesco Fatone, Polytechnical University of Marche, Italy

12.25 EU H2020 project HYDROUSA on water loops with innovative regenerative business models for the Mediterranean region (
Simos Malamis National Technical University of Athens, Greece (TBC)

12.45 EU H2020 project PROJECT-O on innovative circular solutions for water systems (
Ilaria Schiavi IRIS, Srl Italy (TBC)

13.05 Panel discussion among the project Coordinators

13.30 Conclusions

14.30 The R&I in Circular Economy non-biological domains

Section Chairs

Prof. Augusto Bianchini, Professor at the University of Bologna, Italy
Ing. Danilo Bonato, Direttore Generale Consorzio Remedia, Membro del Comitato di Alto Livello Materie Prime della Commissione Europea
Carmine Marzano, Research Programme Officer for SPIRE PPP at the European Commission DG Research and Innovation

14.30 Introduction by the Chairs

15.00 SPIRE Vision 2050: where are we going?  
Mrs. Angels Orduña, Executive Director A.SPIRE aisbl

15.15 Lighthouse program for Raw materials and Circular Societies
Pier Luigi Franceschini, PhD, Director Innovation Hub (CLC) South, EIT RawMaterials

15.30 EU projects contributing to achieve the EU Circular Economy objectives:

15.30 Circular economy and urban regeneration in the construction value chain: the example of the FISSAC project
Mr. Paolo Marengo, ACR+, Belgium

15.50 Innovative Technologies for a more efficient and sustainable plastic recycling: the example of the PolynSPIRE project
PhD Tatiana Garcia-Armingol, Project Coordinator and Head of the Energy and Environment Group at Fundacion Circe Centro de Investigacion de Recursos y Consumos Energeticos, Spain

16.10 Enabling a circular economy approach in the electronic waste sector
Mr. Luca Campadello, Projects & Researches Manager, ECODOM Consorzio italiano recupero e riciclaggio RAEE, Italy

16.30 Eco-innovative solutions for urban and industrial symbiosis: the example of the FORCE project
PhD Sara Cepolina, Project Manager, TICASS, Tecnologie Innovative per il Controllo Ambientale e lo Sviluppo Sostenibile, Italy

16.45 Panel discussion among the project Coordinators

17.30 Conclusions

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