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26 MAY 2020

Webinar - The other side of the Covid-19 crisis: global poultry in 2020

Webinar by the International Poultry Council and presented by Justin Sherrard, Global Strategist Animal Protein, Rabobank

22 MAY 2020

Webinar - COVID-19 and the Food Industry: the Key Principles of GMPs, Sanitation and the COVID-19 'Equation'

In this free webinar, Food Quality & Safety will educate industry leaders on the critical role of GMPs and sanitation, and share perspectives on key principles of addressing the COVID-19 threat.

21 MAY 2020

Webinar - Sequencing and assembling the mega-genomes of mega-trees: the giant sequoia and coast redwood genomes

Seminar taken by Steven Salzberg, Johns Hopkins University

19 MAY
21 MAY 2020

Enrolment form for participation to GTOS, GLC-SHARE and GAEZ consultation

The FAO Geospatial Unit organises a 3-day online consultation on exploring new frontiers for terrestrial observation and monitoring with particular focus on revamping the Global Terrestrial Observation System, the Global Land Cover database and upgrading the Global Agro-Ecological Zoning

20 MAY 2020

The Job After Webinar Series - The Value Proposition (1)

20 MAY 2020

Webinar - Insect Genome Assemblies Advanced by Early Adoption of Dovetail Technologies

Seminar taken by Brenda Oppert, PhD - Research Molecular Biologist @USDA-ARS

20 MAY 2020

Webinar – Concerted Approaches to Reviewing Academic Career Assessment (by European University Association)

This panel session will bring together universities and other research performing organisations, research funding organisations, learned societies and policy makers to discuss opportunities and challenges to work together at the national and European level.

19 MAY 2020

Webinar – Perspectives on Academic Career Assessment in Europe (by European University Association)

Experts will discuss the EUA and Science Europe survey results on academic career assessment in Europe from different perspectives.

18 MAY 2020

Webinar – Introduction to Academic Career Assessment in Europe (by European University Association)

EUA and Science Europe will present a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of academic career assessment in Europe. This overview will be based on recent surveys with universities and research funding and performing organisations.

13 MAY 2020

Webinar - Elements of an effective scientific poster presentation

Seminar organized by American Society of Animal Science and held by Dr. Cassie Jones who is an Associate Professor in the Dept. of Animal Sciences & Industry at Kansas State University (registration fee of 25$).

13 MAY 2020

Webinar - SAGE Knowledge Books & Reference

Webinar organized by Bologna University Library System - SBA

13 MAY 2020

Webinar - How to access e-book on the EBSCOhost e Proquest Ebook Central platform

Webinar organized by Bologna University Library System - SBA