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08 APRIL 2020

Webinar - Shaping the innovation ecosystem for the Bioeconomy: "From research to market"

Series of four thematic webinars about “Shaping the innovation ecosystem for the Bioeconomy” across March and April, organized by the BBI JU funded projects LIFT, UrBioFuture, CELEBIO, in collaboration with BIOVOICES, Biobridges and the European Bioeconomy Network.

07 APRIL 2020

Webinar - Reconsidering the Human in the Age of Coronavirus: a Humanist/New Materialist Perspective

Online by Teams

Lecture by Elizabeth Kowaleski Wallace, Boston College, USA

03 APRIL 2020

Webinar - Monograms of late ancient Ravenna (in italian)

Seminar taken by Francois Gelmetti (University of Bologna) within the "Byzantium and Eastern Mediterranean" initiative

02 APRIL 2020

Final exam 32° Cycle - Research topics "International Cooperation and Sustainable Development Policies" and "Agricultural and Food Economics and Policy

Final exam will take place only in distance mode due to coronavirus emergence.

01 APRIL 2020

Final exam 32° Cycle - Research topic “Agronomy, Herbaceous Crops, Flowers and Vegetables Systems, Agricultural Genetics and Agricultural Chemistry”

Final exam will take place only in distance mode due to coronavirus emergence.

01 APRIL 2020

Webinar - Shaping the innovation ecosystem for the Bioeconomy: "Policy framework"

Series of four thematic webinars about “Shaping the innovation ecosystem for the Bioeconomy” across March and April, organized by the BBI JU funded projects LIFT, UrBioFuture, CELEBIO, in collaboration with BIOVOICES, Biobridges and the European Bioeconomy Network.

27 MARCH 2020

Final exam 32° Cycle - Research topic “Agricultural Engineering”

Final exam will take place only in distance mode due to coronavirus emergence

27 MARCH 2020

Final exam 32° Cycle - Research topics “Microbial Ecology and Plant Pathology” & “Production Systems, Fruit, Forest and Ornamental Trees and Grape”

Final exam will take place only in distance mode due to coronavirus emergence.

25 MARCH 2020

Webinar - Shaping the innovation ecosystem for the Bioeconomy: "Awareness raising, Communication, Education and Stakeholders Engagement"

Series of four thematic webinars about “Shaping the innovation ecosystem for the Bioeconomy” across March and April, organized by the BBI JU funded projects LIFT, UrBioFuture, CELEBIO, in collaboration with BIOVOICES, Biobridges and the European Bioeconomy Network.

20 MARCH 2020

Final exam 32° Cycle - Research topic “Food Science and Biotechnology”

Final exam will take place only in distance mode due to coronavirus emergence.

17 MARCH 2020

Final exam 32° Cycle - Research topic “Animal Science”

Final exam will take place only in distance mode due to coronavirus emergence

26 FEBRUARY 2020

Evoluzione biologica ed evoluzione culturale. La vita come invenzione: un Darwin sconosciuto fra biologia, cultura e nuove tecnologie.

Opificio Golinelli, Via P. Nanni Costa 14, Bologna

Un seminario a cura di Giuliano Pancaldi (Università di Bologna) aperto a chiunque sia interessato, per discutere le riflessioni di Darwin cercando di capire perché oggi, invece, abbiamo difficoltà a comprendere insieme evoluzione biologica, evoluzione culturale e nuove tecnologie.