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25 MARCH 2022

Final exam 34° Cycle - Spring session #2022 - Research topic "Animal Science"

Aula Zootecnia - DISTAL, Viale G. Fanin, 46 (2nd floor, left side), Bologna - In presence and online event

Link for partecipation may be asked to

18 MARCH 2022

Seasonal School for PhD students "Advancements in postharvest technologies to reduce losses and improve nutritional and functional properties of fruits and vegetables”

Organized by “Scuola Sant’Anna” of Pisa (deadline for registration February 14th, 2022)

18 MARCH 2022

Final exam 34° Cycle - Spring session #2022 - Research topic "Microbial Ecology and Plant Pathology"

DISTAL, Viale Fanin, Bologna - Online event

Link for partecipation may be asked to

15 MARCH 2022

ISA Lecture - Values of nature and their role in environmental risk assessment

Sala Rossa, Palazzo Marchesini, Via Marsala, 26 - Bologna - In presence and online event

Lecture by Gabor Lövei (Aarhus University, Denmark)

04 MARCH 2022

Raccogliere i benefici della scienza per la sostenibilità nelle produzioni zootecniche


Il convegno è organizzato d’intesa con: Accademia Nazionale di Agricoltura, Accademia dei Georgofili, e la collaborazione di ASPA, SIA, FIDAF, ENEA

01 MARCH 2022

Seminar "Microbiome and microbiota, innovative aspects of the biotics' family (pro-pre-sin and postbiotic) and the development of functional foods"

Aula D, Piazza Goidanich 60, Cesena - In presence and online event

Lecturer: Prof. Patricia Burns (Instituto de Lactología Industrial, Santa Fe, Argentina)

25 FEBRUARY 2022

ISA Seminar - Di chi sono le invenzioni generate dalla ricerca universitaria?

Sala Feste, Palazzo Malvezzi, Via Zamboni 22 - Bologna - In presence and online event - In presence and online event

24 FEBRUARY 2022

Coimbra Group 3 Minute Thesis Competition - Unibo Competition

In presence and online event

The competition will take place on February, 24th 2022 in the afternoon. The event will be held in person if conditions related to the Covid emergency allow. A jury supported by the voting audience will select the three best presentations among 14 finalists.

24 FEBRUARY 2022

Course on Advanced R

Online event

Organized by University of Insubria

24 FEBRUARY 2022

Webinar organized by Fondazione Golinelli - Climate change and biodiversity

Online event

Lecturers: Giorgio Vacchiano (Univ. of Milan) and Fabio Sgolastra (DISTAL, Univ. of Bologna)

20 FEBRUARY 2022

Towards sustainable food, from production to consumption – Conference and Sustainable Dinner

Online event

18 FEBRUARY 2022

Agrivoltaic: a system for combining food and energy production

Aula Magna - Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agro-Alimentari, Viale Fanin 44-46, 40127 Bologna - In presence and online event

Organized by Prof. Francesca Ventura (DISTAL)