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27 MAY 2019

Deep genes: functional characterization of genes enhancing soil exploration

DISTAL, Sala Mancini, viale Fanin 44 (4° floor), Bologna

Seminar held by Dott. Riccardo Fusi (University of Nottingham, UK)

25 MAY 2019

Plastic, Food and Health

Fico Eatitaly World, Teatro Arena, Via Paolo Canali, Bologna

Plastica, alimentazione e salute. Un incontro per parlare dei come potenziali effetti negativi della plastica sulla salute umana, da anni oggetto di studio di medici e scienziati con risultati sempre più allarmanti. E di come sia ancora possibile invertire la rotta.

24 MAY 2019

Digital, Industry and Space. Le ultime call ICT, NMBP e SPACE in Horizon2020 verso Horizon Europe

Aula 1 di Economia, Piazza Scaravilli 2, Bologna

All’incontro saranno presentate le prossime call H2020 per i temi ICT, NMP e SPACE, anticipando il collegamento che raggrupperà questi ambiti nel cluster “Digital, Industry and Space” nel Programma Quadro Horizon Europe.

22 MAY 2019

International Cherry Symposium

Rocca di Vignola, Modena

On May 22nd and 23rd 2019, in the suggestive background of the Vignola Fortress, the International Cherry Symposium (ICS) will gather the major worldwide experts, presenting the most up-to-dated scientific reviews on the current production topics.

22 MAY 2019

Fascination of Plants Day 2019 - Agricultural crop resilience to climate change

DISTAL, Aula Magna, Viale Fanin 44, 40126 Bologna

Resilienza delle colture agrarie ai mutamenti climatici. La giornata internazionale del fascino delle piante è promossa in tutto il mondo per avvicinare quante più persone possibili all'affascinante mondo vegetale e far conoscere quanto è importante la ricerca in questo settore.

22 MAY 2019

Beneficial impact of foodborne and probiotic yeasts on human health – traits that determine their biological functionality

Campus of Food Science, Aula Magna, Piazza Gabriele Goidanich 60, Cesena

Seminar held by Prof. Lene Jespersen (Department of Food Science, Microbiology and Fermentation, University of Copenhagen)

21 MAY 2019

New roots for more sustainable cereals: Molecular analysis of ENHANCED GRAVITROPISM2 locus in barley

DISTAL, Aula Baldoni, Viale Fanin 44 (4th floor), Bologna

Seminar held by Dr. Gwendolyn Kirschner (Crop Functional Genomics, University of Bonn, Germany)

21 MAY 2019

Challenges and solutions of computational biology across species: introduction and tutorials

Accademia delle Scienze, Via Zamboni 31, Bologna


18 MAY 2019

Start-Up Day UNIBO

Palazzo Re Enzo, Bologna

STARTUP DAY IS THE BIGGEST ITALIAN EVENT FOR YOUTH ENTREPRENEURSHIP. In a single day, Startup Day connects over 2000 people interested in innovation and startup world: students, graduates, researchers, professors, entrepreneurs, investors, professionals and experts.

16 MAY 2019

Light is Energy

Aula Magna, Dipartimento di Chimica “G. Ciamician”, Via Selmi 2, Bologna

In occasione della Giornata Internazionale della Luce proclamata dall'UNESCO, un incontro pubblico promossa da Università di Bologna e Nature Research.

16 MAY 2019

Lactic bacteria and bifidobacteria: new potential for the development of functional foods and main technological problems

Campus of Food Science, Aula F, Piazza Gabriele Goidanich 60, Cesena

Seminar held by prof. Jorge Reinheimer (Instituto de Lactología Industrial, Facultad de Ingeniería Química, Santa Fe, Argentina)

14 MAY
15 MAY 2019

Election of PhD Student representatives in university bodies

DISTAL, Aula 4, Viale Fanin 44/46, Bologna

The election will be held on 14-15, May 2019. The following representatives will be elected to the university’s bodies: 2 PhD student representatives for the student parliament and 2 PhD student representatives for the DISTAL departmental council.