Professor A. Barbaresi Classroom 10 The course is primarily meant for students enrolled in the 40th cycle and it is compulsory for tematic area 6 5 Entomology 6 Agricultural Engineering
Prof. D. Torreggiani. Classroom E-Learning (5th floor, Fanin 50) 40th Cycle. Compulsory for students of tematic area 5 and 6
Prof. Lorenzo Negri Seminar Classroom (Fanin 50) This course is compulsory for all enrolled students
Prof. Lorenzo Negri Seminar Classroom (Fanin 50) This course is compulsory for all enrolled students
Prof. Lorenzo Negri Classroom 7 This course is compulsory for all enrolled students
Prof. Lorenzo Negri Classroom 7 This course is compulsory for all enrolled students
Prof. Lorenzo Negri Seminar Classroom (Fanin n° 50) This course is compulsory for all enrolled students
In presence and online event
Prof. Lorenzo Negri Classroom 7 This course is compulsory for all enrolled students
Prof. D. Torreggiani. Classroom E-Learning (5th floor, Fanin 50) 38-39th Cycle. Lesson 1. Compulsory for students of tematic area 5 and 6
Prof. Lorenzo Negri Seminar Classroom (viale Fanin n° 50) This course is compulsory for all enrolled students
Online event
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