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22 OCTOBER 2020

Coimbra Group Three Minute Thesis competition

The Coimbra Group, organizes the live final of the Coimbra Group Three Minute Thesis competition on 22 October at 10am (CET).

21 OCTOBER 2020

EFSA webinar - Detect your pests: practical statistical framework

In the context of the new plant health Reg. EU 2016/2031, EU Member States are required to perform annual or multi-annual surveys of regulated pests. This webinar will focus on the design of detection surveys aimed at substantiating pest freedom or detecting pests in the early stages of an epidemic.

19 OCTOBER 2020

Workshop - New instruments for the provisions of public goods by agriculture and forestry: insights from the CONSOLE project

Within the CONSOLE project, it were investigated 60 promising examples of contract solutions, which implement result- based, cooperation, land lease and value chain approaches to improve the provision of public goods by agriculture and forestry.

16 OCTOBER 2020

Webinar - Open Innovation Workshop

In times of uncertainty, visionary innovation is a must. But the risk associated to this kind of investment should be shared within an ecosystem, which can provide the integration of complementary knowledge. This is essentially the idea behind the concept of Open Innovation.

16 OCTOBER 2020

Webinar - Si scrive blockchain, si legge garanzia?

Come interviene la tecnologia blockchain nella tracciabilità delle filiere dell’agroalimentare (tracciabilità), della moda (anticontraffazione) e del turismo (smart-contract). Dove la botte è di ferro e dove fa acqua.

15 OCTOBER 2020

Aperitivi scientifici, aspettando la Notte Europea dei Ricercatori - La ricerca scientifica oltre l’orizzonte del supercalcolo

Centro CostArena (Via Azzo Gardino, 48 - Bologna)

Bologna diventerà il più grande centro di supercalcolo europeo fra meteo, scienze della terra, big data e molto altro ancora. Si vanno a delineare nuove prospettive nel panorama mondiale delle competenze a partire dal nostro territorio.

09 OCTOBER 2020

Webinar - Corn & Soybean Outlook Update

An updated corn and soybean outlook immediately following release of USDA's October Crop Production and World Agricultural Supply and Demand (WASDE) reports will be provided by Purdue University Center for Commercial Agriculture.

09 OCTOBER 2020

Webinar 'EIT Raw Materials: funding opportunities

Organized by University of Bologna and Co-Location Center South of EIT Raw Materials.

08 OCTOBER 2020

Aperitivi scientifici, aspettando la Notte Europea dei Ricercatori - Economia circolare e innovazione sociale: un nuovo paradigma per la sostenibilità

Centro CostArena (Via Azzo Gardino, 48 - Bologna)

Crisi ambientale e crisi sociale mettono in discussione le condizioni in cui la nostra società si è sviluppata, imponendo un mutamento radicale dei nostri stili di vita, dal consumo di materie prime alla produzione dei rifiuti, dalla mobilità all’uso dell’acqua e dell’energia.

08 OCTOBER 2020

Webinar - Pathogens & preventions

Main topics: The importance of organic acids on pathogen mitigation, starting from feed hygiene and preservation to farm level measures; Which intestinal pathogens are detrimental to microbiome agility and why?; How Bacillus based probiotics can prevent pathogenic challenges

07 OCTOBER 2020

Webinar - Improving the Shelf Life of High-Protein, Ready-to-Drink UHT Beverages Idaho Milk Products Supplier Live Webcast

Join Idaho Milk Products for a discussion regarding the main causes of high-protein RTD UHT beverage failure and how to solve those issues.

07 OCTOBER 2020

Webinar - Feed Safety and Security in uncertain times

Since several virusses are disrupting the supply chain and create possible trade disputes between major suppliers, origin and quality of feed ingredients can be at stake. Learn more about biosecurity in the feed supply chain, the mitigation of risks and ensuring business continuity.