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29 JULY 2020

Webinar - Significance of Review Articles in Academic Publishing

This webinar is dedicated to synthesizing and integrating knowledge for scientific advancement — to address the challenges faced by research scholars in review article publication. This webinar will also help researchers comprehend how review articles notably contribute to the progress of science.

29 JULY 2020

Webinar - Beyond the egg: Strategies for successful breeder nutrition

How performance trace minerals can help hens produce more eggs with higher rates of hatch and chick resiliency. This webinar will discuss hen productivity and tools to capitalize on productivity advantages

29 JULY 2020

Webinar - How Marley Spoon protects its produce with automatic monitoring

28 JULY 2020

Webinar - COVID-19 monogastric roundtable: Where do we go from here?

his exclusive webinar is happening next week. You won’t want to miss hearing poultry and swine industry experts discuss how they are addressing challenges brought on by COVID-19. Learn what is expected as industries adjust to a new normal.

23 JULY 2020

Webinar - Tutti i modelli sono sbagliati, ma alcuni sono utili

L’Accademia delle Scienze dell’Istituto di Bologna promuove cicli di video-lezioni che, sotto il nome di Scienza aperta, tratteranno le varie problematiche connesse alla ripresa delle attività nel tempo della convivenza con il virus covid-19.

17 JULY 2020

Webinar - ”From idea to concrete solution with Applied Drone Innovations (ADI)"

Webinar “TRACK AgTech stories”

16 JULY 2020

Webinar - Crossing the Borders of Chemistry and Biology for targeting the Corona Virus Proteases

European Netias Lecture by Thomas Bottcher, University of Konstanz, Research Fellow at the Zukunftskolleg, Konstanz, Germany

16 JULY 2020

Putting solutions on the table: successful approaches and interventions to support more sustainable food consumption behaviours in the EU

The VALUMICS EU Project parteners have organized a Sympiosium to discuss on how can we move towards a healthier and more sustainable food consumption, in view of the EU Farm to Fork Strategy.

16 JULY 2020

Webinar - SmartAgriHubs (in Italian)

Il webinar, gratuito, è indirizzato a tutti coloro che si occupano di Agroalimentare e di strumenti digitali per l’Agroalimentare.

15 JULY 2020

Webinar - Salute delle piante: una visione One-Health

Le piante sono gli organismi che più di ogni altro condizionano la vita del nostro Pianeta, in tutte le sue forme. La loro salute è parte essenziale di quella dell’intera biosfera, dai microrganismi all’uomo, senza priorità, ed è garanzia di sicurezza alimentare per la specie umana

15 JULY 2020

Webinar - How COVID-19 is changing poultry production & supply chain

The global poultry industry has been impacted by COVID-19 and gaining perspective can help lessen future risks. Learn how suppliers to the poultry industry have been playing an important role in mitigating some of the negative effects associated with COVID-19 on poultry and agrifood industries.

14 JULY 2020

Webinar - I dati degli autori nell'ecosistema del Web of Science

Durante questa sessione, scopri tutto sui dati degli autori disponibili sulla piattaforma Web of Science e sulle nuove funzionalità intorno agli dati autori disponibili su InCites.