DISTAL, Viale G. Fanin 44, Aula 14 (I floor), Bologna - In presence and online event
DISTAL, Aula 10, Viale Fanin 48, Bologna - In presence and online event
Piazza Maggiore, Bologna
The Ceremony will be held in Piazza Maggiore, Bologna and it is dedicated to PhDs of the XXXIV and XXXV cycles who earned their degree by December 31st, 2023.
DISTAL, Viale Fanin 44, Bologna - In presence and online event
The event is part of the "EU Green Week 2024 – Towards a water resilient Europe". During the event, PhD students will give a 3-minute presentation on their activities, particularly focusing on research and innovations supporting water resilience. #WarterWiseEU
Classroom 10, Bologna
Compulsory for all PhD students Prof. F. Spinelli
Classroom 10, Bologna
Compulsory for all PhD students Prof. F. Spinelli
Classroom 13, Bologna
Compulsory for all PhD students Prof. F. Spinelli
Online event
Are you a graduate or researcher passionate about data science who has not resided or carried out your activities in Italy for more than one year in the last three years? Join the Webinar to Discover 53 PhD Open Positions for 2024/2025 A.Y.
Aula Magna, DISTAL, Piazza Goidanich 60, Cesena
PhD students conducting research in the field of "Food Science and Biotechnology" will present their activities
Classroom, 8
The course is compulsory for PhD candidates enrolled in Research Topics: 1, 3, 9 and 10 Prof. G. Falsone, M.R. Guerrieri, B. Morandi, F. Ventura
DISTAL, Piazza Goidanich 60, Cesena
Classroom 11
Teacher: Prof. Davide Viaggi LESSON 5 Compulsory for all Research Topics