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30 JANUARY 2019

REACTOR SCHOOL (informative meeting)

Piazza Scaravilli, aula 2, Bologna

Reactor is a school of entrepreneurship and innovation for PhD students, post-graduate students, young researchers, scientists with innovative ideas.

21 JANUARY 2019

Root architectures for more sustainable crops: cloning and characterization of egt2, a gene controlling root gravity response in barley

Sala Baldoni del DISTAL, viale Fanin 44 (4° piano), Bologna

Seminar of Dr. Isaia Vardanega (Institute of Crop Science and Resource Conservation - INRES, University of Bonn, Germany)

08 JANUARY 2019

ISA Seminar "Sbagliando s’impara: the power of errors for learning and teaching" (Rossella Santagata, University of California)

Sala Rossa, Palazzo Marchesini, via Marsala 26, Bologna (first floor)

Although errors in many cultures are seen as part of life and essential to human progress, the institutions that most societies have built as formal settings for learning—schools—are often places where errors made by students and teachers are to be avoided and are often punished.

18 DECEMBER 2018

ISA Seminar "Non thermal plasma sources: single jet and multi jet setups and applications in medicine and decontamination

Sala Rossa, Palazzo Marchesini, via Marsala 26, Bologna (primo piano)

Lecture by Eric Robert, GREMI - Groupe de recherches sur l'énergétique des milieux ionisés, France

23 NOVEMBER 2018

Ph.D. student meeting

Aula 2, Viale Fanin 44, Bologna

Agenda: 1) election of Ph.D. students representatives; 2) illustration of the traning programme for Academic Year 2018/2019; 3) criteria for admission to the final exam; 4) answers to Ph.D. students questions

23 NOVEMBER 2018

Kick-Off Meeting

Aula 2, Viale Fanin 44, Bologna