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29 JUNE 2023


Final exam 35° Cycle - Summer session #2023 - Research topic "Water-Food-Energy-Sustainable Agriculture Nexus"

DISTAL, Aula 2, Viale Fanin, Bologna - In presence and online event

28 JUNE 2023


Final exam 35° Cycle - Summer session #2023 - Research topic "Agronomy, Herbaceous Crops, Flowers and Vegetables Systems, Agricultural Genetics and Agricultural Chemistry"

DISTAL, Aula Magna Viale Fanin 44-46, Bologna - In presence and online event

22 JUNE 2023


Final exam 35° Cycle -Summer session #2023 - Research topic «Microbial Ecology and Plant Pathology» and «Agricultural Entomology»

DISTAL, Viale Fanin, Bologna - In presence and online event

22 JUNE 2023


Final exam 35° Cycle - Summer session #2023 - Research topic "International Cooperation and Sustainable Development Policies"

DISTAL, Viale Fanin, Bologna - Online event

16 JUNE 2023


Research financing and project design in agricultural sciences

Classroom 12, Fanin 46, 1st floor, Bologna - In presence and online event

Lesson 5 of 5

12 JUNE 2023


Philosophy of science and research methodology

Classroom 12, Fanin 46, 1st floor, Bologna - In presence and online event

Prof. Francesco Spinelli Compulsory course LESSON 2

09 JUNE 2023


Giornata Green del Dottorato @DISTAL MULTICAMPUS

DISTAL, Aula Guarnieri, Viale Fanin 44, Bologna - In presence and online event

This event was part of “EU Green Week 2023” initiatives. PhD students enrolled in 3rd year presented their activities.

08 JUNE 2023


Research financing and project design in agricultural sciences

Classroom 12, Fanin 46, 1st floor, Bologna - In presence and online event

Lesson 4 of 5

06 JUNE 2023


Research financing and project design in agricultural sciences

Classroom 12, Fanin 46, 1st floor, Bologna - In presence and online event

Lesson 3 of 5

05 JUNE 2023


Philosophy of science and research methodology

Classroom 12, Fanin 46, 1st floor, Bologna - In presence and online event

Prof. Francesco Spinelli Compulsory course LESSON 1

30 MAY 2023


Food Industry 4.0: Present and Future

Institute of Advanced Studies - Sala Rossa, Palazzo Marchesini, Via Marsala, 26 - Bologna - In presence and online event

ISA lecture held by Prof. Barbut, Visiting Fellow of the Institute of Advanced Studies at the DISTAL (Campus of Cesena)

24 MAY 2023


Bio-based fertilizers as part of the circular economy: origin, manufacturing and value

DISTAL, Aula 7, Viale Fanin 44, Bologna

Seminar held by Dr. Carmo Horta, Escola Superior Agrária de Castelo Branco (Portugal)