This lecture will be held by Giuseppe Sollazzo (Head of Data, Department for Transport, London, UK) and it will present a few case studies of the use and misuse of data in public communications and science, and try and draw some key lessons on how to make sure that data is used properly.
The Expert Working Group on durum wheat genomics and breeding organizes the Virtual Durum Meetings. VDMs are video conferences where 4-5 short presentations are given in about 2 hrs followed by time for discussion.
Prof. van Immerseel (Univ. of Ghent) and Prof. Applegate (Univ. of Georgia) will talk about how the gut microbial metabolites affect poultry nutrition, health, and productivity, and new opportunities to modulate microbiome function and their metabolites in commercial poultry production.
This meeting focuses on how sustainability can be improved by sharing research innovations and good practice recommendations with stakeholders across four topics – socio-economic resilience, animal health & welfare, production efficiency and meat quality, and environmental sustainability.
OPEN FACTORY 2020: VIAGGIO NELLE FABBRICHE AI TEMPI DEL COVID19. Intervengono: Filiberto Zovico (fondatore ItalyPost), Daniele Manca (vicedirettore Corriere della Sera), Conduce Diana Cavalcoli (giornalista Corriere della Sera)
The European Researchers’ Night showcases the diversity of science and its impact on citizens’ daily lives, stimulating interest in research careers - particularly among young people.
Tecnologie ed i servizi innovativi stanno supportando la rapida evoluzione dei luoghi e dei tempi della salute, del benessere e dell’autonomia, per creare una interazione sempre più efficace tra le persone che forniscono ed usufruiscono dei servizi socio-sanitari.
Conoscere il suolo del proprio vigneto è fondamentale per i viticoltori: grazie alla tecnologia è possibile ottenere la mappatura digitale che consente di sviluppare modelli di previsione di stress idrico, erosione, carbon footprint e compattamento del suolo.
Il Progetto POSITIVE vuole diffondere e consolidare sul territorio della regione Emilia-Romagna l’irrigazione e la fertirrigazione di precisione e a rateo variabile, per mezzo di protocolli operativi che connettano dati satellitari e sensori IoT a sistemi esperti e a macchine irrigatrici.
Join this EURACTIV Virtual Conference to discuss how the European food system can be changed sustainably, minimising the effects of climate change.
Webinar held by Dr Keiichi Inoue from The Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo – the winner of the 2019 Sir Martin Wood Science Prize. The presentation will be chaired by the 2017 Nobel Prize Winner Dr Richard Henderson.