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19 NOVEMBER 2020

Webinar - Are you ready for the meat alternative revolution?

Contents: A guide on today’s meat alternative offer, Understanding the consumer, Insights to consider when designing your food concepts, How the right combination of food processing technology and know-how can make the difference, A sneak peek into the future – innovative food concepts

19 NOVEMBER 2020

Webinar - La politica agricola comune tra crisi e riforme

Incontro sul tema delle ricorrenti crisi della politica agricola comune dell'UE, con un focus sulle varie riforme che si sono succedute nel tempo. Partecipano Paolo Tedeschi (Università Bicocca di Milano) e Francesca Fauri (Università di Bologna).

19 NOVEMBER 2020

Webinar - Le nuove sfide della comunicazione scientifica

Tavola rotonda virtuale con esperti in comunicazione scientifica per discutere e riflettere su temi di attualità. Evento organizzato in occasione della XVII edizione della "Festa internazionale della storia", in collaborazione con PARLIAMONE ORA

18 NOVEMBER 2020

Webinar - Evolving the Web of Science to help you thrive in a complex landscape

Main expected achievements by the webinar: i) accelerate your research using the most powerful Web of Science platform yet; ii) demonstrate the real-world outcomes of your research with new metrics; iii) save time navigating the complex open research ecosystem.

18 NOVEMBER 2020

Webinar - Assessing Nature-based Solutions to climate change

A consortium led by University of Bologna and supported by UNESCO’s Section of Earth Sciences and Geo-Hazards Risk Reduction joined forces to address this challenge within the EU-funded OPERANDUM project.

18 NOVEMBER 2020

Webinar - Piante sane per una vita salubre e un’agricoltura sostenibile

Nella giornata del 18 novembre 2020, dalle 9 alle 12, il GTI “Salute delle Piante” del DISTAL organizzerà il webinar: “Piante sane per una vita salubre e un’agricoltura sostenibile” durante il quale i gruppi aderenti al GTI presenteranno le rispettive ricerche evidenziandone i risvolti applicativi.

18 NOVEMBER 2020

Webinar - Best practice in effective information searching in the sciences of food and health

Trustworthy Scientific Food Information Series: Practical session on how to search for information effectively.

17 NOVEMBER 2020

ISA Lectures 2020 - Organisational Learning and Adaptation to Address Complex Societal Challenges

Prof. Federica Angeli, Chair in Management, The York Management School, University of York, UK.

17 NOVEMBER 2020


Forage4Climate final conference webinar. The Forage4Climate project, funded by the European Union under the Life + programme, has demonstrated how agricultural systems related to milk production can contribute to climate change mitigation.

17 NOVEMBER 2020

Webinar - Fixing the antibiotic innovation pipeline

How can the Pharmaceutical Strategy address the environmental implications of production, use and disposal of antimicrobials? What can be learned from Member States to address environmental AMR?

16 NOVEMBER 2020

Virtual International Conference “Emerging Topics on Mediterranean Diet”

2010-2020: Ten years after the recognition of the UNESCO’s intangible heritage, organized by Italian Society of Human Nutrition (SINU) and Federation of European Nutrition Societies (FENS). Registration is free.

16 NOVEMBER 2020

Webinar - Tackling the dependence of EU food systems on antimicrobials

How can the Pharmaceutical Strategy address the environmental implications of production, use and disposal of antimicrobials? What can be learned from Member States to address environmental AMR?