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19 DECEMBER 2023


Bibliographic services to support research

Online event

The course is compulsory and it will be offered by the Staff of Goidanich Library (Rosaloa Miceli, Silvia Muzzoli, Marco Tagliavini) The course is open also to students of the PhD course in Salute, Sicurezza e Sistemi del Verde (Imola)

01 DECEMBER 2023


Geographical information systems

Classroom 10

Prof. Daniele Torreggiani Compulasory for Tematic area 5 and 6, Agricultural Entomology and Agricultural Engineering, respectively

24 NOVEMBER 2023


Kick-Off Meeting - XXXIX cycle (2023-2026)

DISTAL, Aula Magna, Viale Fanin 44-46, Bologna - In presence and online event

On this year, we will have the pleasure to welcome 46 graduate students to our PhD programme.

24 NOVEMBER 2023


Geographical information systems

Classroom 10

Prof. Daniele Torreggiani Compulasory for Tematic area 5 and 6, Agricultural Entomology and Agricultural Engineering, respectively

20 NOVEMBER 2023


Energy efficiency and sustainability of buildings for agriculture and agro-industry

CAD Seminar Classroom, viale fanin 50, 5th floor

Prof. Alberto Barbaresi. The course is compulsory only for students enrolled in tematic area 6 The course is in presence. Please communicate to prof. Barbaresi if there is there a justified need of online classes Lesson 2

13 NOVEMBER 2023


Energy efficiency and sustainability of buildings for agriculture and agro-industry

Estimo Seminar Classroom, viale fanin 50, 3rd floor

Prof. Alberto Barbaresi. The course is compulsory only for students enrolled in tematic area 6 The course is in presence. Please communicate to prof. Barbaresi if there is there a justified need of online classes Lesson 1

10 NOVEMBER 2023


Introduction to spatial analysis and geostatistics with R

Classroom 9- Ground Floor

Prof. Gabriele Baroni. LESSON 2. The course will be only in presence

09 NOVEMBER 2023


Introduction to spatial analysis and geostatistics with R

Classroom 9- Ground Floor

Prof. Gabriele Baroni. LESSON 1. The course will be only in presence

09 OCTOBER 2023


Basic statistics and experimental design in agri-food sciences

Classroom 12, Fanin 46, 1st floor, Bologna - In presence and online event

Prof . Martina Zappaterra Lesson 5

02 OCTOBER 2023


Basic statistics and experimental design in agri-food sciences

Classroom 12, Fanin 46, 1st floor, Bologna - In presence and online event

Prof . Martina Zappaterra Lesson 4



Basic statistics and experimental design in agri-food sciences

Classroom 12, Fanin 46, 1st floor, Bologna - In presence and online event

Prof . Martina Zappaterra Lesson 3



Basic statistics and experimental design in agri-food sciences

Classroom 12, Fanin 46, 1st floor, Bologna - In presence and online event

Prof . Martina Zappaterra Lesson 2