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23 MARCH 2021

Webinar - Academic career and opportunities in the regional innovation ecosystem

Seminar organized by ART-ER (Attractiveness Research Territory) for PhD students

22 MARCH 2021

Webinar - CAB ABSTRACTS su Web of Science

19 MARCH 2021

Webinar - Scienza in agricoltura. In memoria di Michele Stanca

Programma: La risposta della ricerca all’Agenda 2030: impiego di Trichoderma gamsiiT6085 per una difesa sostenibile dalla fusariosi del frumento, Il miglioramento genetico del pomodoro in Italia

18 MARCH 2021

Webinar ASPA - Utilizzo di fonti proteiche innovative nell’alimentazione animale

Seminar organized by Italian Animal Science and Production Association (ASPA). Link to access the Zoom Meeting will be delivered some days before the webinar.

18 MARCH 2021

Horizon Europe - Presentazion of Water Europe Association

15 MARCH 2021

Webinar - Forest Ecology and Management under climate change

Seminar co-organized by Embassy of Italy in Moscow –Russian Academy of Science -Italian Academy of Forest Science and Accademia dei Georgofili.

11 MARCH 2021

Webinar ASPA - Metodologia statistica e disegno sperimentale

Seminar organized by Italian Animal Science and Production Association (ASPA). Link to access the Zoom Meeting will be delivered some days before the webinar.

11 MARCH 2021

Webinar - Make Food Safety a Priority. Target the First Line of Defense

Preserving the first line of defense is essential to preventing foodborne illnesses and increasing food safety. This can be achieved by building a strong epithelial barrier in poultry.

09 MARCH 2021

Webinar - Urban farming projects / Presentation of the ResCUE-AB and FoodE projects

Food, future, city. A global vision for man and the planet's survival – rassegna organizzata da CUBO Museo d'impresa del Gruppo Unipol

09 MARCH 2021

EAAP Webinar Series - COVID-19 impact on livestock farming

This is the first webinar of the brand new “EAAP Webinar Series”. The title is "COVID-19 impact on livestock farming” with outstanding speakers who will update with fresh ideas & insights. Registration end: Monday, March 8th 2021, 20:00 Central European Time

08 MARCH 2021

International Advanced School of Agricultural Meteorology (online)

Organized by Italian Society of AgroMeteorology

08 MARCH 2021

Webinar - Genetica Agraria: percorsi al femminile

Consiglio Direttivo della SIGA, nell'ambito della "Giornata Internazionale delle Donne e Giovani nella scienza” ha organizzato l'evento online “Genetica Agraria: percorsi al femminile” con lo scopo di mettere in evidenza l'impegno e il contributo delle donne nella Genetica Agraria.