This year, travelling is still compromised for many of our OENOVITI International members. Our 2020 Symposium planned in Odessa, Ukraine, was postponed to May 2021 with the hope to be able to meet physically at this time. Free registration.
Final exam will take place remotely due to coronavirus emergence
Are you already a startupper, or you have a great idea in mind? An opportunity to put your innovation skills to the test, and find out where they can take you.
Lecture by Pr. Linda L. Kinkel (Department of Plant Pathology at the University of Minnesota)
La partecipazione per il personale dell'Ateneo è libera, fino a esaurimento dei posti disponibili, con iscrizione obbligatoria tramite i form dedicati.
Webinar organized by Italian Branch of World RAbbit Science Association
Featured webinar speakers will include Dr. Dinah Nicholson, Global Manager, Hatchery Development and Support, Aviagen, and Dr. Jeanna Wilson, Professor and Extension Specialist, Poultry Science Department, University of Georgia.
La partecipazione per il personale dell'Ateneo è libera, fino a esaurimento dei posti disponibili, con iscrizione obbligatoria tramite i form dedicati.
Organized by EAAP
This webinar will introduce joint lessons from the TRUE-LEGVALUE policy-relevant studies and initiate a rethinking of how "policy understanding" can help to transform our food system to be more legume-based.
Lecture given by Prof. Andrea Segré
Con la conduzione dal giornalista Maurizio Melis (radio 24), i vari partner e l’Università di Bologna condivideranno la loro esperienza all’interno di un webinar rivolto ad aziende ed istituzioni.