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31 MARCH 2021


Webinar for reserchers interested to join CALL OF THE FOUR ERA-NETS SUSAN, FACCE ERA-GAS, ICT-AGRI-FOOD AND SUSCROP on the topic "Circularity in mixed crops and livestock farming systems with emphasis on climate change mitigation and adaptation"

30 MARCH 2021

Webinar - Enea Tech

ENEA Tech è una Fondazione, partecipata dal Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico, che investe in tecnologie innovative di interesse strategico nazionale e di scala globale.

29 MARCH 2021

Webinar - The circular and biobased economy in Wallonia

L’Agenzia della Vallonia per l’esportazione e per gli investimenti esteri, con sede a Milano, ci informa in merito al Webinar “The circular and biobased economy in Wallonia” in programma il giorno 29 marzo 2021 dalle ore 10 alle ore 11.

26 MARCH 2021

Masterclass workshop for PhD students - Managing Virtual teams: Performance, Negotiations and Conflicts

The First Una Masterclass workshop for PhD students which will be held under DIGITALIZED! Society in the Era of Digital Revolution project. 1st Session: March 19, 11-13am – 14-16pm, 2nd Session: March 26, 11-13am – 14-16pm.

26 MARCH 2021

Final exam 33° Cycle - Spring session #2021

Final exam will take place remotely due to coronavirus emergence (link for partecipation may be asked to or

25 MARCH 2021

Web of Science Webinar - Migliorare il tuo profilo di ricercatore

24 MARCH 2021

PhD@ISA Day - Responding to the challenge of COVID-19: Threat or Opportunity for Education?

This report delivers a result of common efforts of the doctoral students, fellows of the Institute of Advanced Studies (ISA) of the University of Bologna to contribute to the global agenda of sustainable development goals (SDGs)

24 MARCH 2021

Webinar - Heat stress in farmed animals

24 MARCH 2021

Online Workshop - Ground Penetrating Radar applications in soil moisture determination, field monitoring and stability of river embankments

This workshop is organised by IISc, Bangalore and University of Bologna. It is open for Doctoral Students in Science and Engineering. Few faculty members are also allowed to participate. No registration fee but prior registration in mandatory.

23 MARCH 2021

Webinar - Academic career and opportunities in the regional innovation ecosystem

Seminar organized by ART-ER (Attractiveness Research Territory) for PhD students

22 MARCH 2021

Webinar - CAB ABSTRACTS su Web of Science

19 MARCH 2021

Webinar - Scienza in agricoltura. In memoria di Michele Stanca

Programma: La risposta della ricerca all’Agenda 2030: impiego di Trichoderma gamsiiT6085 per una difesa sostenibile dalla fusariosi del frumento, Il miglioramento genetico del pomodoro in Italia