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15 DECEMBER 2020

Webinar - Principal innovations of Web of Science platform

Web of Science, InCites and EndNote 20

11 DECEMBER 2020

Webinar - Training Materials and Visual Learning Tools for Early Education on Environmental Sustainability and Responsible Food Consumption

Final Conference of the “FOOD-AWARE” project

10 DECEMBER 2020

Webinar - Membrane Filtration Fundamentals for the Plant-based Protein Market

To further optimize plant protein ingredient offerings and ultimately bring them to industrial scale, membrane filtration technology can and should play a role.

10 DECEMBER 2020

Webinar - Sorveglianza fitosanitaria e ricerca: reti e azioni per la protezione delle piante

Il webinar è organizzato dal Servizio Fitosanitario della Regione Emilia-Romagna e dal Gruppo Tematico Informale (GTI) Salute delle Piante del DISTAL, in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita (Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia).

09 DECEMBER 2020

Virtual Workshop Sustainable Aquaculture

Workshop will start by looking at the current challenges related to the agricultural sector and review the portfolio of activities and their links to the Impact Pathways. A focus will also be given on external contributions with talks by a EC DG’s representative and an external keynote speaker.

08 DECEMBER 2020

Webinar - ICP-MS/MS Performance Starts with a Strong Foundation - A two-part series

05 DECEMBER 2020

Webinar - SOIL: The vision to a global challenge

Il webinar è organizzato dall’Accademia Nazionale di Agricoltura e dal DISTAL nell’ambito delle attività del #WorldSoilDay2020.

03 DECEMBER 2020

Webinar - Getting Started in Plant Protein Separation – The Basics

Have you been considering what it takes to get involved in the growing market for plant-based protein? Are you curious about how the protein is extracted from the plant? Would you like to find out what it would take for your company to explore opportunities?

03 DECEMBER 2020

Webinar - Ensuring the safety and quality of food additives utilizing IFAC’s GMP Guide and noting important differences between food and food additive GMPs

International Food Additives Council (IFAC) will illustrate some of the key similarities and details of food additive versus finished food manufacturing, noting why GMPs may be different in many cases. IFAC will then demonstrate how the IFAC GMP Guide may be applied in food additive facilities.

03 DECEMBER 2020

Webinar - The digital future for milk production

03 DECEMBER 2020

Webinar - InnovaInAzione, casi di eccellenza per promuovere il cambiamento in agricoltura

Ismea in collaborazione con l'Accademia dei Georgofili, organizza il webinar dal titolo "InnovaInAzione, casi di eccellenza per promuovere il cambiamento in agricoltura - Istituzioni, tecnici e aziende agricole a confronto sul tema dell'innovazione applicata".

03 DECEMBER 2020

Webinar - Testing mycotoxin detoxifiers efficacy in livestock blood

Featured speakers will include Prof. Dr. Mathias Devreese, Associate Professor of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Ghent University, and Dr. Arnau Vidal, Technical Manager, Toxins & Stress, Innovad.