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14 JANUARY 2021

Webinar ASPA - Adattabilità dei sistemi zootecnici ai cambiamenti climatici

Seminar organized by Italian Animal Science and Production Association (ASPA). Link to access the Zoom Meeting will be delivered some days before the webinar.

13 JANUARY 2021

Election of two PhD student representatives for the DISTAL Council

Those who are interested in becoming representative of PhD students must submit their application in advance by using on-line procedure which will close January 7th, 2021, h. 14:00.

12 JANUARY 2021

Webinar - The Impact of Global Challenges on Halal Food Industry

The first webinar in Europe accompanying you to discover the Halal food sector in the new decade.

07 JANUARY 2021

Webinar - Plant-based Protein Powders for 2021 and Beyond

This webinar will explore the latest ideas in producing high-quality protein powders from plant-based raw materials. To achieve the specific protein powder properties demanded by end customers, it is essential to choose the right spray drying equipment and type of dryer for protein drying.

18 DECEMBER 2020

Webinar - Nuclear Technologies for Agriculture 4.0: Discovering the benefits of environmental radioactivity for a sustainable agriculture

Talk: Cosmic-ray neutron sensing: from an inconvenient noise to a worldwide method for soil moisture estimation (and not only). Speaker: Gabriele Baroni

16 DECEMBER 2020

Web Symposium on Plant Health

16 DECEMBER 2020

Webinar - The role of vitamins in human and animal immunity during pandemic times

New insights into the role of vitamins on immunity with a specific focus on multi-component feed solution for the animal production industry.

15 DECEMBER 2020

Webinar - Best practices for sustainable plastic waste management in Mediterranean countries

Event organized with BIOPLASTICS EUROPE project in the framework of HISCAP network (Network of EU cities against plastic waste).

15 DECEMBER 2020

Giornata di Studio on line - L'acqua da risorsa a calamità

Organizzato da Accademia dei Georgofili

15 DECEMBER 2020

Webinar - Principal innovations of Web of Science platform

Web of Science, InCites and EndNote 20

11 DECEMBER 2020

Webinar - Training Materials and Visual Learning Tools for Early Education on Environmental Sustainability and Responsible Food Consumption

Final Conference of the “FOOD-AWARE” project

10 DECEMBER 2020

Webinar - Membrane Filtration Fundamentals for the Plant-based Protein Market

To further optimize plant protein ingredient offerings and ultimately bring them to industrial scale, membrane filtration technology can and should play a role.